Check out my new baby :)

I kinda wanna say it's a female too but that second picture makes me second guess myself.. it's also very hard to say blue bar or red bar but like leaf said he's cute! I wish I could be more certain...More pictures!!
First pic shows its a definite male. You can see the very slight curve in just before the vent. Nice looking and healthy.
Reptoman would know better than me... A fine looking chameleon either way! Too early to confirm the locale
He/she is doing very well! Been eating out of my hand since day 2. Still haven't named it though ( Christopher Walken, Dozer, Knox?) suggestions welcome haha. Thanks for all the feedback guys!
He/she is doing very well! Been eating out of my hand since day 2. Still haven't named it though ( Christopher Walken, Dozer, Knox?) suggestions welcome haha. Thanks for all the feedback guys!

I vote Christopher Walken whether it's male or female. Daryl Dixon is always a good choice too. LOL! It's a cutie! :p
Here's the enclosure I made out of a entertainment center. DIY foam rocks with live foliage, fake vine in walls, willow tree branch woven vine from my yard XP, reptile fogger and home made drip system with multiple flow valves and ports, UVB 5.0 strip light, halogen night/day light. Let me know what ya think !
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