Chamy Color Enhancers


New Member
hey yall, my last veileds i found and occasionally used this stuff( i cant remember what it was), but was used to enhance or bring out more vibrant colors in your chameleon. there was different formulas for different color chams. it was weird stuff and stunk, but all i remember was it used cartonoids or something like that, and it was a spray you spray on feeders.

anyone ever heard of this stuff? i didnt notice its effects much but i also wasnt using it regimented.

is such a product available, and does it work?

im sure everyone is like me and wanting the most beautiful colored chamy as possible. :D thanks.
This is a very interesting topic, that I would like to have more light shed upon. The first chameleon that my boyfriend ever saw was one of the most beautiful, a veiled that he described as "strobing his colors"
Does anyone PLEASE care to share what is being referred to here, and if it's safe:D.
ill see if i can find the product, but i have no clue, i just rememer the bottle was, real help huh.

-Sorry, couldn't help it.:p

But, I'm here to contribute, so, my guess it whatever product this is, it has to have a type of carotenoids. Chromatophores are cells that contain pigments that give the color to the herps and some other animals we see. This article mentions a study related to amphibians and shows the difference in coloration of frogs fed on high beta-carotene and no beta-carotene diets.

Peace out,
Naturose and cyclopeez are two products which are supposed to enhance red coloration. Paprika is supposed to enhance yellows. This coming from my experience in the dart frog world. I would use caution with chameleons as to not overdose (paprika is a sourse of beta-carotine).
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