Chameleons articles, studies, etc…


Chameleon Queen
Hope you enjoy these…

“These results on the relationship between behavior, environment and physiology provide considerable insight into our understanding of the importance of the functional capacity to perform behaviors and environmental context in antipredator behavior decision-making”…

“The evidence produced here, in conjunction with the absence of vocal cords (Huskey et al., 2020) and external ears (Wever, 1968, 1969a,b; Anderson and Higham, 2014), and the theoretical ability to detect biotremors (Hartline, 1971; Barnett et al., 1999) supports that biotremors may be utilized by C. calyptratus for communication (Barnett et al., 1999)”…

“Climatic matches and repeated introduction events may have favored the establishment success of the common chameleon in southernmost parts of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy, whereas introductions failed elsewhere (central Italy, northern Spain: Scalera 2001)”…

“The six species studied here have preferred temperatures of 30-33°C, and other species of Chamaeleo studied similarly fall into this rather narrow range (C. namaquensis, 33°C, C. dilepis, 31°C [6]; C. africanus, 31°C, C. chamaeleon, 32°C [3]“…
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