Chameleons and Frogs?


New Member
View attachment 179538 I have a male veiled chameleon, i sort of have cockroach problem of making. I dropped in a dozen american cockroaches in his enclosure and due to him being only active during the day and roaches hide til lights go out. 3 months later i notice baby roaches. So time to get them out asap. The enclosure is a 150 gal aquarium modified to make it taller by making a box shaped lid sitting on top with aluminum mesh over wood frame of lid. In all inside of enclosure is 4 feet long x 2 feet wide x 3 1/2 feet tall. Naturalistic planted terrarium. I will include a pic or 2 if i can. Anyways i thought is it possible to add either a white's tree frog or white lipped tree frog to enclosure( would look for adult frog.) My male veiled is 10 months old and about 20 inches from snout to tip of tail. Also terrarium stand is mounted on a heavy duty stamped metal furnature cart. The soil is bio active with spring tails and both giant blue isopods and dwarf purple isopods. So far been trying wirh roach motel glue boards where glue board is hidden in the housing, no pesticides. They have had some luck.
Oh by the way basking site ( top left) stays 35 % humidity and 95F degrees, bottom in glass portion stays between 80% to 60% humidity and between 67F degrees to 75F degrees. There is a thermostat for basking lamp and another thermostat controlling general internal air temp. Also a monsoon auto mister system with 4 nozzles. And a heat rope behind vines on back wall weaved into garden plastic fencing on back wall behind artificial vine. Plants are a mix of artifical in hot places and live plants. If you look at base of plant in front right corner my chameleon is hanging down with head facing ground ready to pounce. Might have to zoom in to see him.
Some reason attachment failed so re-attaching it.


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Frogs turtles and chameleon

I have 5 Yellow belly turtles, a Panther Chameleon and 2 Whites tree frogs in the same tank. The turtles and the chameleon have been getting on fine for the past year. I've only added the frogs a couple of days ago. The frogs are nocturnal so stay out of the way of the chameleon. However I wouldn't recommend adding frogs as I had a near miss already today. I turned on the wrong light and the frogs came out and the chameleon was awake. I just happened to notice the chameleon aiming for one of the frogs so I fed him a locust and turned on the daylight bulb.
This is a recipe for disaster. Turtles are very dirty and create alot of bacteria. This is one of the worst things I have heard people doing with their chameleon. There is no benefit and if anything your just hurting the chameleon. Having another chameleon would stress him out what makes you think another reptile especially one that is so dirty and requires standing water would be a good idea?!?!?!
Ok i guess my orginal question still stands (my posts are on page 3) would a white lipped tree frog( largest tree frog species in the world aka 4" to 5.5" be too big to mix with a male veiled chameleon? My chameleon is 10 months old and around 18" to 20" long from tip of tail to snout.
Ok i guess my orginal question still stands (my posts are on page 3) would a white lipped tree frog( largest tree frog species in the world aka 4" to 5.5" be too big to mix with a male veiled chameleon? My chameleon is 10 months old and around 18" to 20" long from tip of tail to snout.
I don't care how much so called success they did or didn't have. In MHO unless you have an eco system large enough to accommodate all the requirements of all the species that you are trying to put together it's a no go. Unless you are GOD, or nature if you prefer I wouldn't even give it a consideration. Just look what happened to Australia when the Cain toad was introduced, and that's a whole continent. Just my 2 cents.
No. All frog species, toad species, and many newts are poisonous, and there is no way to guarantee that your cham won't try to eat one. I would stick to the roach motels, and maybe lower your temps a little, so they don't breed so fast.
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