Chameleonardo is starting to show off!


Here's Leo my baby nosy be. At 6 months he's a late bloomer, but he's turning into a stunner! When he's basking in his cage he tends to be brown with a pinkish red side stripe, dark blue/brown head, and white spots on his belly... weird guy I know. When he sees a cricket he turns a pale white and teal, But when you take him out and into the light he starts looking like the Nosy Be he is :)


I couldn't get any pics of this but... yesterday he decided to get pissed off at a branch I was attempting to coax him onto, and he FULLY fired up to this INTENSE coloration with a bright crystal blue and black-as-night bars, with his little yellow side spots and white belly/neck. I couldn't believe how bright the colors were, he looked like a computer screen turned on in a dark room! I'm attempting to get some pics of him fully fired up soon, but honestly, he's very chill and I was surprised he fired up like he did even that once!
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