Chameleon Tongue action slow motion


New Member
Hey guys ever see this cool move in slow motion? Fast forward to 50 secs. The video is in a different language but its very cool how you see the vacuum process in action!
Slow motion chameleon feeding videos are always amazing. I shoot high speed video of chameleons feeding for my research and I've posted a number of the videos on my website: The videos I have posted were shot with our black & white high speed camera. I've just not gotten around to formatting my videos taken on our color camera to post on the site.

Just to clarify on the prey capture process, vacuum process isn't the entire picture of what is going on. Prey prehension (the actual grabbing of the prey) occurs through a combination of three factors: wet adhesion, mechanical grasping, and negative pressure. The tongue has mucosal secretions that are sticky and cause wet adhesion to the prey. Then the tongue does envelop around the prey item and a certain amount of mechanical grasping of the prey occurs. Finally, as the tongue pad that comes into contact with the prey, the center of the tongue pad retracts as the outer part of the tongue pad wraps around the prey, which causes negative pressure (kind of like a vacuum) that sort of sucks the prey into the pouch that forms as the tongue pad retracts.

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