chameleon care


New Member
hey im new to this website and thinking about getting a veiled chmaeleon but i know every website i look at says that they are high maintenance is this true if so can someone give me a care sheet. thanx:)
a relative rule of thumb

depends on what you compare them too. there are things that need to be done every day. not difficult but tedious ( i enjoyed them )

things like misting 2x a day( by hand { spray bottle} or buy a auto mist setup)

providing ( other than misting ) a moving water source ( often times a dripper, you can make one from a water bottle ), you'll have to fill the container everyday and keep it clean.

you will have to provide the animal with live food ( this is IMHO what makes them high mat. )

you will have to order live food 1x or 2x a month, feed the feeders correctly, keep them clean ect.... so you are really keeping cham and feeders.

provide heat and uv ( those are just light fixtures)

compared to a hamster or gold fish they are high mat., compared to any other exotic animal, esp reptile, not so much
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