chamaeleo (Tr?) anchietae?


Established Member
Has chamaeleo (Tr?) anchietae been imported into the US yet? I was reading up on 2009 CITES expot qoutas, and it said 10 F1 chamaeleo anchietae were exported.

Also, is this species a Trioceros?

Chris A, have you worked this species?



This species is not a Trioceros species, it is a Chamaeleo. I've not worked with this species and I do not know that it has ever been imported to the US. Just to clarify, CITES export quotas do not necessarily mean how many animals were exported but simply that up to that many can be exported. None of the animals on the quota have to be exported if no one ships them out. In this case, the quota is for F1s and only one person in Tanzania is licensed to export F1s (Joe B.). Last time I spoke with him about Ch. anchietae, he was not really working with them. They are reported to occur in Tanzania but their presence there is questionable.

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