Cham Staying Below Canopy


I’m a little concerned about by 10mo panther. Yesterday I don’t think he came out of his sleeping spot. He looked awake and alert though. He may have come out earlier in the day and I just missed it. Today he hasn’t come out from below the canopy and onto his normal perch. Kind of hard to get a pic, but it seems like maybe his eyes are a little sunken in, but not much. He doesn’t really seem very interested in food.

I did have a power outage two days ago, and he lights went out early, and the following day I wasn’t able to program it immediately, so lights didn’t come on until 2/3 hours after normal time. I don’t think this would cause an issue, but wanted to mention.

Any ideas? Should I be concerned and post a full care description?

I’m a little concerned about by 10mo panther. Yesterday I don’t think he came out of his sleeping spot. He looked awake and alert though. He may have come out earlier in the day and I just missed it. Today he hasn’t come out from below the canopy and onto his normal perch. Kind of hard to get a pic, but it seems like maybe his eyes are a little sunken in, but not much. He doesn’t really seem very interested in food.

I did have a power outage two days ago, and he lights went out early, and the following day I wasn’t able to program it immediately, so lights didn’t come on until 2/3 hours after normal time. I don’t think this would cause an issue, but wanted to mention.

Any ideas? Should I be concerned and post a full care description?
There have definitely been days where my panther has hidden away in his canopy of leaves. It’s usually when it’s chilly and he gets the winter blues, but sometimes I think he just likes the peace and quiet. As long as he’s awake and alert it should be fine. However, it’s always good to have your husbandry reviewed if you haven’t done it yet.

I’m a little concerned about by 10mo panther. Yesterday I don’t think he came out of his sleeping spot. He looked awake and alert though. He may have come out earlier in the day and I just missed it. Today he hasn’t come out from below the canopy and onto his normal perch. Kind of hard to get a pic, but it seems like maybe his eyes are a little sunken in, but not much. He doesn’t really seem very interested in food.

I did have a power outage two days ago, and he lights went out early, and the following day I wasn’t able to program it immediately, so lights didn’t come on until 2/3 hours after normal time. I don’t think this would cause an issue, but wanted to mention.

Any ideas? Should I be concerned and post a full care description?
Hi do you have any pictures, and yes doing a full husbandry check if you haven't done one recently would be helpful
So he actually came out and spend the majority of the day above canopy. Just took him a long time to come out, and I don’t think he ever did yesterday. He also seemed to be gaping. Not pointing nose up, and normal colors. He ate a massive hornworm, and I think that’s it. I put some dubia in his run cup but he didn’t seem interested.

Here are some pics. He was stretched funny in the one.

  • Your Chameleon - Male Ambilobe, about 9/mo, I’ve have him for 6.
  • Handling - Maybe once a month. I will usually take him out to get pics and weigh if he is close to the front of the cage, and it seems not too difficult. I normally leave him alone as much as possible.
  • Feeding - Dubia is the staple, with occasional soldier flies, hornworms, and super worms. Of those hornworms are maybe 2-3/wk. I have still been feeding every day. 5-10 dubia, depending on size.
  • Supplements - Repti-Calcium w/o D3 daily, w/d3 2x /mo, herbtivite multi 1x month.
  • Watering - Mist 5x through the night. 1 long interval at lights out, one long at lights on, and a couple shorter mistings through the night. Fogger runs from 12-8am. Dripper runs 3x daily for 30 min.
  • Fecal Description - Healthy, normal looking, white to off white urates. He’s a real pain to get out, and really hates being out, so I havnt taken him in. I heard most vets require a visit to do a fecal so I just havnt.
  • History - other than my paranoia he’s been a seeming healthy Cham.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - 2x2x4 screen with panels on 3 sides.
  • Lighting - t5 Ho 10%, 6-8” above cage, basking spots about 6” below top. 75w heat lamp, 45w or something jungle dawn led.
  • Temperature - Basking is around 85, bottom is around room temp, which is around 70. Night time drops to around 65. I heat the room at night with a space heater, otherwise it would get below 60.
  • Humidity - For humidity and ambient heat I have smart temp/humidity sensors at close to the top and bottom. My humidity is around 60-80% at night, and 30% during the day. I’ve tried to increase that, but it’s been tough. I live in a cold climate and my heat runs almost all night.
  • Plants - yes, umbrella plant is the main, I don’t recall the other two, but I checked a list to ensure they were safe.
  • Placement - Basking branch is a little above eye level, there is a vent 3’ above the cage, but I have the air directed straight out. Corner of my office. I work from home out of it. Other than me about 8’ away behind monitors, no traffic to speak of.
  • Location - The mountains of CO.


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Hi maybe just got thrown off his pattern with power off. I wouldn't worry about the night time temps unless the room dropped below 10c / 50 f .
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