Cham not eating


New Member
It's been about 2 weeks since my Cham has been eating propper I mean at least 1-2 silkworms a day and 2-4 superworms a day...

The Cham is about 7 months old
ambilobe panther
eats silkworms, crickets and superworms
I spray 3 times a day
enclose is in front of a window
2 heating lights
ficus plant in middle of cage
3 umbrella plants around ficus plant
lots of branches in enclosure for climbing
85F basking spot

this guy is eating about 1-2 worms on a good day../ why has this happened because I have no idea so I'm worried he's sick or something.....
Doesn't it seem like 7 to 8 months is the age they start their adult eating habits? Adults don't eat as much as babies and juveniles...but it seems like they wake up one day and say "now I am an adult".
My guys stopped eating as much around that age.

You have another post and you were rearranging his cage, have you changed anything around the time his eating dropped off?
No... I changed the arrangement yesterday only... His eating habits changed about 2 weeks ago so I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did...when he wants to eat he comes running... But he could care less if he's not hungry... I know that he will eat when he's hungry but his eating quantity dropped within the next day that's why I am concerned.
As long as the poop looks good and he's moving about some, it just seems like he's getting to be a grown up and grown chameleons don't eat as much as young chameleons.
actually he is moving so much he does not have a preferred area. i made him an extra basking spot just incase hes all over the place and doesnt keep warm enough. so warmth for him is definately not an issue....he seems is he going to poop if he doesnt eat much....??
i just took these pics while he was sleeping.....i think he looks are some pics.


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He won't poop as much, but he'll poop. One of mine is a prowler too....and he sleeps in about 5 different places in the cage. My other one conserves her energy and always sleeps in the same place. There really is no one "right" chameleon behavior, just general guidelines that might well get blown out of the water by any individual chameleon.

***edited to add***

Wow! What spectacular colors!
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Have you tried horn worms? Or try finding him something else green. I just found my first katydid of the yr yesterday. My guy was practically smacking his lips when he saw that big green bug. Ive never seen one not go for something green. Or try flies they love the movement it attracts them.
Where do I get All these insects from??? I just have crickets, superworms and silkies.

Maybe he's sick of them? But I can't get anything else..
My friend works in pesicide so maybe I can ask him to get me some roaches.... But before he sprays them so there's no chemicals.

Is that a good idea?
i live in toronto canada its hard to find insects here man. its winter still im waiting for the spring to find something. can i give him any bees because i had a bee hive above the main house door last yr so that would be easy to get some bees for him. !
I dont know canadian vendors bro you have to search on line. But horns are good feeders and help w/hydration. Bees are good if they are pesticide free/stinger removed. Flies are good. I have roaches but havent started feeding off any yet.(only bug that still creeps me out for reason) Grasshoppers or mantids, katydids, moths. Im going to try and catch a few grasshoppers this summer and see if i can breed them in screened cage.
Hornworms are illegal in Canada so that's not gonna happen. I think I'm going to have to catch the rest in the summer. 2 months to go or 3
I want to get hornworms but I live in Canada so unless someone knows where I can order them online or something it's going to be pretty hard to get them
Dude, come to the store I work at. You can ask Nelson (owner) to get you what you want as long as it isn't illegal. I also know someone who has a dubia colony if you want to try that .....
Ok sure what the store address or phone and I'll come in.... And I'll take some roaches as well just give me the address or phone number ...
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