CB an WC question


New Member
Have a question what's difference on the captive bred panther chameleons. Wanted to get one but says FC what does that mean. Thinking field catch but not 100% sure. If it's worth buying.
Just wanted to share and if anyone else has other names please share.
UG has adult panthers listed as FC
  • Furcifer pardalis
  • Field Collected
  • Approximate Sizes Ranging From 9 – 12 Inches Length"

They do change so we have to stay on our toes. Note: I know most already know this but for beginners maybe not. (y)
CB=Captive bred
WC= Wild Caught
FC= Field Collected
FR= Farm Raised - Collected from the wild or bred and moved to Farm (cages outdoor) - Sometimes these animals are the same as WC and not treated for parasites or any other diseases. --- Kind of like a place to hold for growth or later sales. (y)
You’re so much better off to pay a bit more and get a chameleon from a reputable breeder. With non-captive bred and chams from questionable sellers you are more than likely going to end up having to pay expensive vet visits and/or end up potentially having your chameleon die. At the best case, you may get a healthy enough cham, but not the gender you paid for. More often than not, the shady sellers do not stand behind their chams and once they ship your cham, you’re on your own with any problems. Pay the extra and get from somewhere like Kammerflage.
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