Carpet chameleon lay bin size?


Established Member
Could i get a picture of someone carpet chams lay bin? I want to make sure mines big enough. the first time she layd she scattered them. so i just want to make sure next time shes able too
Frank recommended a 5gal opaque container with 6-8in of sand & peat moss mixture 50/50. With a heat lamp for some heat and leave her be for a bit, if she’s ready she’ll dig.
Well, my girl prefers to scatter, she’s done it 2x. She seems to lay fine that way so I may try it again with the bucket next time or just let her be since she has had no issues scattering in the past.
Not sure if this is helpful, you probably already knew this. But wanted to throw it out there just in case.
Frank recommended a 5gal opaque container with 6-8in of sand & peat moss mixture 50/50. With a heat lamp for some heat and leave her be for a bit, if she’s ready she’ll dig.
Well, my girl prefers to scatter, she’s done it 2x. She seems to lay fine that way so I may try it again with the bucket next time or just let her be since she has had no issues scattering in the past.
Not sure if this is helpful, you probably already knew this. But wanted to throw it out there just in case.
hmmm thanks!. mines mostly like that except its clearish. i wonder if thats whats caused her to scatter? what does the opaqueness help with? also, how often does yours lay? mine laid last august 17th and im starting to get nervous. this is the first girl cham ive had!
I think opaque is so they can’t see surroundings maybe, that part not sure. And black or bright orange may be scary. Unfortunately she’s laid 2x since October. 10/8 - 11eggs, 12/3 - 4 eggs. She is beginning to color up again so I’m figuring around February she give another go. I’ve decreased feeding and temperature but she still seems to lay.
My first girl too. She just turned 1 so I’m hoping I’m doing ok by her. Not only my first girl but my first carpet. What was I thinking lol. 🩷Love her though. I think it was a good species to begin the girls egg laying task.
I think opaque is so they can’t see surroundings maybe, that part not sure. And black or bright orange may be scary. Unfortunately she’s laid 2x since October. 10/8 - 11eggs, 12/3 - 4 eggs. She is beginning to color up again so I’m figuring around February she give another go. I’ve decreased feeding and temperature but she still seems to lay.
I also tried the 5 gallon bin with no success. I found my female trying to get out rather than dig. Shortly after placing her back in the enclosure she scattered the eggs without issue.
You might like to look at this thread… very very rarely dig,not put in a bucket.
“Lateralis very very rarely dig and lay eggs in their enclosure, even if bioactive/provided with a lay bin. It's a weird little quirk of the species. They will almost always scatter the eggs if not put in a bucket.”

And this…
“Females are notorious for scattering their eggs instead of burying them. I have found, however, that as long as they are provided with an appropriate egg-laying site at the appropriate time, they will dig and bury their eggs regularly.”

Some more…
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I also tried the 5 gallon bin with no success. I found my female trying to get out rather than dig. Shortly after placing her back in the enclosure she scattered the eggs without issue.
so I always kinda thought scattering is considered "Bad" as it means she couldn't find somewhere to lay, which could create the risk of becoming egg bound in the future? But is this wrong? Is scattering "Okay"? MY girl just laid again and scattered them, again! :(
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