Can I use this plants?


New Member
i got two kind of plant for my veiled chameleons cage
can u guys see if i can put this plants in his cage and are they safe to have them .

1. prem. pothos


2.tropical foliage upright

Epipremnum aureum
golden pothos, devil's ivy, pothos
Epipremnum aureum

Epipremnum aureum is a very popular plant often found in hanging baskets or growing as a climbing ivy. Commonly referred to as pothos, this plant and its heart shaped leaves are a favorite among many chameleon owners. Pothos is a hardy plant and can thrive under artificial conditions.

Light and Heat
Pothos prefer bright filtered light, and can do very well indoors (1/3). This plant does best between 60F and 85F.

Water and Humidity
Pothos is a tropical plant that can benefit from a high humidity. Its watering requirements can vary; if the plant is potted, water when the topsoil is dry (1/3).

Toxicity and Irritants
This plant is high in oxalates and can be somewhat toxic when eaten in large quantities. If a chameleon is eating this plant frequently, removal of the plant should be considered.


Plant Details
Family Araceae
Genus Epipremnum
Species aureum
Common golden pothos, devil's ivy, pothos

Plant Rating
Compatibility compatibility
Indoor Care indoor difficulty - easy
Toxicity toxicity - safe

Upright tropical is probably a generic name the nussery gave it. I know at my nusery pothos is listed as " florist house plant ". So Im not sure.

Check here for more info:
No on the second plant.
It is dieffenbachia (dumb cane) ... toxic.
Pothos is great! It is in all my enclosures.

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