Can hornworms or silkworms carry coccidia?


Just wondering, since I know crickets do and dubia roaches do not. My guy was diagnosed with Coccidia and I'm wondering if I need to get rid of my silks and horns or if they're okay to feed him. I discarded my crickets and dubias just in case. Thanks!
Just wondering, since I know crickets do and dubia roaches do not. My guy was diagnosed with Coccidia and I'm wondering if I need to get rid of my silks and horns or if they're okay to feed him. I discarded my crickets and dubias just in case. Thanks!
Crickets actually can carry it. Dubia it would be very unlikely unless the dubia came into contact with contaminated fecal and picked up the oocysts on its body. Then for some reason the dubia was tossed from this contaminated cage back into the bin.

I do not buy any feeders from my local stores for this reason. They both carry reptiles and both have very interesting practices when cleaning out cages. I have watched them remove uneaten feeders and asked what they were doing with them and the answer from both was throw back into the bin or toss into a cage with another reptile. Both easily would cause cross contamination if the enclosure they were in had an infected reptile.

To my knowledge silks and horns would not carry it but I am going to tag in someone who knows much more then I about it. @JacksJill
Pretty much anything could carry the coccidia oocysts. The chances are just very low. It usually happens from pet stores/breeders that have wild caught animals come in, which then cross contaminate with their feeder supply somehow(like @Beman mentioned). Roaches are said to have more powerful immune systems, which may or may not make them less likely to carry things, but if somehow the oocysts are all over the place, I'm sure just about anything could pass it on.
The insect would have to have come in contact with poop from an infected chameleon. It is possible for that to be any feeder but it is far less likely to happen with silks or horns because of how they are raised. If a pet store were to sell chameleons and then put feeder insects they find loose back in the bin with the rest of them that would do it.
I try to only buy crickets from places that sell off what they breed and not go thru middle men that might house chameleons.
thanks all, I buy silks from morifeeders, beastmode and hornworms from josh's and DBD pet, I will no longer feed crickets since that's where I believe my cham got his coccidia
thanks all, I buy silks from morifeeders, beastmode and hornworms from josh's and DBD pet, I will no longer feed crickets since that's where I believe my cham got his coccidia
How is he doing? I meant to message you but have been in cage building craziness and distracted.
Thanks for asking, he's still doing pretty good, he's not eating a ton, about 1-2 2" hornworms a day and poops every 3 days or so, which still look hydrated but smell terribly. The vet appointment is on 7/6 to get the meds, so anxious to get those going while he's still healthy and strong and then the cleaning nightmare begins after he finishes the meds.
Thanks for asking, he's still doing pretty good, he's not eating a ton, about 1-2 2" hornworms a day and poops every 3 days or so, which still look hydrated but smell terribly. The vet appointment is on 7/6 to get the meds, so anxious to get those going while he's still healthy and strong and then the cleaning nightmare begins after he finishes the meds.

What’s the name of the meds he’s getting?
Not sure yet, will know when I take him in on 7/6, but I've read all the reviews on these and I'm armed with notes when I discuss with vet :)

  • Albon
  • Panacure
  • Ponazuril (Marquis)
  • Toltrazuril
  • Bene Bac
  • NutriBACdf
  • Appertex
  • Baycox (toltrazuril)
  • Nitazoxanide (Navigator)
  • Amprolium hydrochloride
  • trimethoprim/sulfadimethoxine, hard on chameleons and often cause anorexia
  • SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM? Sulfamethoxazole w/tmp susphit, Trimethoprim sulfa, SMZ Sulfa Trimethoprim Liquid
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