Cage Needed, trade?


New Member
Hello guys, I posted a thread about me getting my little guy Charlie a couple of days ago and he's doing just fine. I have his dripper going, misting regularly, have a few roaches in a dish at the bottom of his cage, and a few crickets roaming around aswell, he hasn't eaten just yet but i'm hoping he gets going on that.

Charles still need a larger tank and a live plant. I'm holding off on getting a plant until I get a larger cage and am able to get the correct sized plant. I have broken down and have decided that I am willing to trade one of my babies for a nice cage. I have "Nani" an Adult Female Crested Gecko... She is an awesome little girl and has a fully intact tail. She has laid a clutch of unfertilized eggs for me with no trouble. Please if you are interested in a trade or just want to give me cash for her, PLEASE get back to me. :D Again, Charles is fine but I won't fell comfortable until I find him bigger better cage. Only local people, San Diego.

I already posted an ad. on Craigslist but no responses so far.
Here are a few pictures of "Nani", third picture is of her fired up and showing her awesome colors. :)



There are many SoCal members who I'm sure would be willing to loan a cage. I would ask a Mod to change the title of this thread to something like 'need to borrow a cage for chameleon found loose in SoCal, willing to trade crested gecko!' so that they will know that it's kind of urgent.

What's even more urgent is your need for a plant! That is more important! Panthers can live in cages smaller than yours (though I don't recommend it!) so get him a plant first!
That would be GREAT and I will get on the plant thing right away. My bf went out for a bit but as soon as he gets home we'll head out to a nursery. :D I already have quite a few plants i'm interested in and all I have to do is go personally and see what is best for climbing. Thank you!:D
Thank you and yes they do, depending on their mood depends on the color change. During the day while they sleep and hide away they are usually much lighter and when the sun goes down and they come out to forage for food they darken up a bit. They also darken if they are stressed, very happy, or just because. Lol! In the last picture she was "fired up" and therefore was displaying her darker colors.:D
Oh, and as Psssh stated, if there is anyone locally willing to loan me a cage or able to leave it in 2 to 3 payments (depending on the amount you want) that would also be great.
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