

Avid Member
Im going to order some butter worms from Northwest but seem to recall reading something in the past that they could be toxic or have a problem..... I might be totally crazy. Any opinions??
Mostly issues were with crested gecko not chameleons

for chameleons, the vast majority of the time there is NO issue whatsoever. There have been however a few, rare, occurences where they seemed to cause some mouth irritation and/or temporary skin colour change (stain or damage, not sure). this is, i think, to a particular chameleons sensitivities, kinda sorta like some people have allergies.

Certainly worth trying. chances are your animal will be one of the majority that eats them without issue.

dont forget to gutload :)
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the vast majority of the time there is NO issue whatsoever. There have been however a few, rare, occurences where they seemed to cause some mouth irritation and/or temporary skin colour change (stain or damage, not sure).

Certainly worth trying. chances are your animal will be one of the majority that eats them without issue.

dont forget to gutload :)

Thanks Sandra! Im ordering now. Will they grow while I have them? I have chams from very small to a few years old so i was thinking on mixed sizes.
When you order from Nothwest, order the larges. The majority will be large but you will get a nice variety of sizes for the other animals as well.

On a side note, I do have one female panther that gets this reaction that Sandra describes when she eats the worms that are a darker red/orange color versus the cream colored ones.

I go through about 300 butters a month and have played around with it to confirm. if she eats a cream colored one, no problems. She eats one of the darker ones, she will get the black splotches around her mouth for a week or so and then it fades away.

None of my other Chams are affected this way. Again as was mentioned, just like humans, I believe CHams have individual reactions to things.

Great feeder though, easy to handle and the Chams love them.

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