Burrowing reptiles and plants


Avid Member
How do you guys manage? I love bioactive and naturalistic but some of my animals although do well the terrarium itself doesn’t and I find especially my hognose snake will just uproot all my plants to the point of moving him into aspen some of my leopard geckos are pretty destructive too and I’m getting a jeweled lacerta as a pet how do you guys manage to keep them from uprooting plants or what plants are just sturdy enough to endure mini bulldozers?
My leopard geckos haven’t disturbed their plants at all. Make sure whatever you use has a good strong root system. I’ve had really good luck with aloe ciliaris and a tiny ponytail palm. Some of the succulents have very small shallow root systems and can easily be uprooted. I would think pothos would be quite sturdy as it throws out roots all over the vines.
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