Bruise?? Break??


New Member
So my little baby has a deformation on his veil. I'm worried it may be from a fall he had a few months back. Should I let it heal on its own, take him to a vet? It hasn't spread or anything. He doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch it but recently the skin on the top is coming up a little. The one with flash is from last night. The one in daylight is from a few weeks ago.
Yes, probably a burn. The area will probably scab over and some tissue may peel off depending on how much was damaged. Kind of hard to say how much. There is a great burn ointment many of us use for protect the area while it heals and prevent secondary infection in the newly exposed healthy tissue. Ask a local vet for Silvadene.
Do you guys think the stick out from her neck is a break? ): I haven't noticed if she has fallen or hurt herself until tonight when I looked at her when she was sleeping. She hasn't been acting any different either
View attachment 154140 Do you guys think the stick out from her neck is a break? ): I haven't noticed if she has fallen or hurt herself until tonight when I looked at her when she was sleeping. She hasn't been acting any different either

That looks like a fold of skin, which suggests she is quite dehydrated. Skin pinched should flatten out really quickly. How quickly skin flattens out after it has been pinched is a way of evaluating how serious the dehydration is. If it doesn't flatten really quickly and especially if it continues to hold its shape the way it looks it is doing in the picture, it is a sign of dehydration.

By the way, your veiled's eyes look as if he might be dehydrated as well.
I agree, looks like a skin fold. There wouldn't be that large a bone to break in just that spot.
She's a female Panther about 8-9 months of age stubborn as all hell to get her to drink lol she came from pets mart where they give them water in just a bowl.. And I have a dripper set up along with misting I'll up my misting and give her a shower then
It's not a skin fold to stick out like that. It's probably the hyoid bone. If she's resting her head down on the branch it might just be pushing it out at a funny angle. See if it's still like that when she's awake.
I saw that. She also looks as if she might be gravid. Are you prepared?

Have everything all set up she has constant access to her laying bin right now it has coconut dirty in it and it's the best I could do at the time considering when I bought her it was winter and it still is and I can't find organic soil anywheres right now but I'll be switching it as soon as I find some, it will be both of our first time with the egg laying so I'm up for any advice to keep her from binding !
It's not a skin fold to stick out like that. It's probably the hyoid bone. If she's resting her head down on the branch it might just be pushing it out at a funny angle. See if it's still like that when she's awake.

She was moving around today but I think a small bit slower then she normally is and it poked out only at times when she angled her body a certain way, it's only on that side of her neck
Of her or the cage?? She was asleep in the close up pics I woke her by mistake >.< she's wide in the chest but doesn't look egg bound when she's climbing around I'll get some stretched pics soon
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