Broken leg? Please help


New Member
Hi just recently I noticed my chameleon dragging her leg and not holding on to anything. She just lets it hang there and I'm worried it might be broken? I live in Miami and we recently had a hurricane in which I had to evacuate. I took my chameleon with me but was not able to bring her enclosure; I had to bring her in a chameleon carrier. I only noticed this limp/drag after I came back. I have pictures attached. It'll be the hind leg to her left. I even have a video of her walking but I was not able to attach it. There are very little reptile vets near where I live and I need to know just how serious this is in order to quickly make an appointment and take her. Nothing else has been different in regards to her eating habits, temperature, water, feces, etc. Please help


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First off, I am not a vet or vet tech or anything medically connected to animals. However, common sense would say it appeares to be broken or at least, painful enough for your cham to choose not to use it. If it were my cham, I would locate a chameleon friendly or at least, a reptile friendly vet and get him in right away. Good luck with your cham and keep us posted!
It might be the beginning of MBD....maybe because she is using extra calcium for egg production. Does she have an appropriate egglaying container IN her cage?

Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum.
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Hi I just recently received some imported Jacksonii Jacksonii. One of them has a condition very similar to what you describe. The leg hangs when she sleeps and is dragged behind as she moves around. She doesn't grip anything as she moves but she does have grip in the foot. She appears to have a wound inside where the leg attaches to the body, it wasn't apparent for the first two days I had them, but the leg being dragged was. View attachment 190900 View attachment 190900 View attachment 190901 View attachment 190902 View attachment 190903

I talked with a very respected reptile vet here in SoCal. I made the earliest appointment possible, which is 2 days from now. He asked me to check the grip and said a good grip is a good sign, but he could not tell me anything without exam. Have you checked the grip?

As soon as I find out what can be done for mine I will convey any information I get to you
It might be the beginning of MBD....maybe because she is using extra calcium for egg production. Does she have an appropriate egglaying container IN her cage?

Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum.
No she does not have an egg laying container. She hasn't mated and I know that she may still lay eggs but she hasn't presented any signs. She's exactly the same behavior wise and eating wise. She still climbs around her cage and goes about her business as usual. Only difference she lets her leg hang. I was able to find a vet that can help about an hour away from where I live and have made an appointment. I'll make sure to keep you guys updated thank you soo much for your help and advice
It might be the beginning of MBD....maybe because she is using extra calcium for egg production. Does she have an appropriate egglaying container IN her cage?

Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum.
Kiyonga, I know nothing about MBD, because I have been able to avoid/prevent it in all other lizards I have ever kept. I was wondering as you quickly pointed to MBD as a possible cause if that leg dragging/not using is a common symptom. I was always under the impression that it started with swelling in the legs eventually leading to curved leg bones. This is also what I have read. Do you have a good link to one of your many informative articles?
Hi I just recently received some imported Jacksonii Jacksonii. One of them has a condition very similar to what you describe. The leg hangs when she sleeps and is dragged behind as she moves around. She doesn't grip anything as she moves but she does have grip in the foot. She appears to have a wound inside where the leg attaches to the body, it wasn't apparent for the first two days I had them, but the leg being dragged was. View attachment 190900 View attachment 190900 View attachment 190901 View attachment 190902 View attachment 190903

I talked with a very respected reptile vet here in SoCal. I made the earliest appointment possible, which is 2 days from now. He asked me to check the grip and said a good grip is a good sign, but he could not tell me anything without exam. Have you checked the grip?

As soon as I find out what can be done for mine I will convey any information I get to you
Yes exactly she drags her leg behind and lets it hang but if I were to put a stick or branch up to her hind leg she'll grip onto it. I located a vet and made an appointment and I'll make sure to keep you guys updated thank you
She's also carrying most of her weight low, think of like a pregnant woman, they look weirdly heavy because they obviously have a baby growing in their tummy and so they have a huge stomach and weight there compared to everywhere else. That's what your girl is doing.
You said..."No she does not have an egg laying container"...once a female veiled is sexually mature it's important that she have a place IN her cage to dig so she can show you she's ready to lay eggs.

You said..."she hasn't presented any signs. She's exactly the same behavior wise and eating wise. She still climbs around her cage and goes about her business as usual. Only difference she lets her leg hang" ...her leg is wonky so I think it might be broken. There is also a possibility that she has gout..but I would expect the ankle to be more swollen...and since the knee is wonky I'm still thinking broken. It could have happened from a fall or it could be as nutritional issue.
You said..."I know nothing about MBD, because I have been able to avoid/prevent it in all other lizards I have ever kept" good that you avoided it!
You said..." I was wondering as you quickly pointed to MBD as a possible cause if that leg dragging/not using is a common symptom"'s not exactly a symptom of MBD...its a symptom of a broken leg because of the shape of the knee and leg.
You said..."I was always under the impression that it started with swelling in the legs eventually leading to curved leg bones. This is also what I have read. Do you have a good link to one of your many informative articles?"...the legs are not always swollen when the nutrition first is not good. Swollen limbs is really a result of fibrous osteodystrophy which is a softening of the bones and an increase in the amount of supportive connective tissue as far as I know.
Here's a good article...
My chameleon had the same problem at one point and figured it was a broken leg, we don't have any exotic vets so I gave him extra calcium made sure the uvb and basking area was a focus point in his day and he ended up getting better. His leg is perfectly fine and uses it perfectly.. obviously this was not the best way to do this but letting him do his thing and let nature take it's course worked out... Not saying this is the way to go but with no vets around it was the only thing I could do
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