Breeding Pygmy Chameleons


New Member
Hi there, could anyone tell me how to prepare the viv for a gravid Rhampoleon Brevicaudata, so as to enable her to lay her eggs? For example, do they bury them in sand etc, and any other relevant tips you may have. Thanks, Jimmy H.
You need only to have the substrate (I use coconut fiber/Bed-a-Beast mixed with sand) about 3" deep in the terrarium and keep it moist but not wet and they will dig and lay. If it is not moist enough, they often die eggbound.
Hi guys, thanks for the advice. One more question i have, arising from the links you gave me Chris,( though the question is for anyone who can help). "Roo" gives some really excellent advice on preparing a viv for pygmy chams, and among that advice is the fact that a colony of Springtails and one of sowbugs can help break down any unremoved fecal matter and other contaminants. I live in England, ( hey, someone has to!), and I also know nothing about bugs. Does anyone know if we have them or anything which would do a similar job over here? Perhaps small earthworms may suit? Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Jimmy H.
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