breeding dubies


Established Member
sup! im buying some blaptica dubia roaches and i was wondering what i would need to breed my own. also do they need anything really specific to eat or are they like the palmetto bugs where im from which eat anything
Raising and breeding dubias couldn't be simpler... They're self contained. They'll eat, sleep and breed all in the same container. Just give them the right temps (see info below) and enough moisture (not so much spraying, but make sure they always have access to hydration), and as for food, you can feed them in the same way as you do crickets (fruits, veggies, and and a dry mix - possibly a bit richer in protein than for cricks).

And then you'll have little families of dubias running around together (the little ones seem to stick close to their mothers)...

Here is more info:
- Chameleons! Online E-zine: Cockroaches
- The Roach Guy: Caresheet
I use a big 30 gallon container with egg cartons for housing. Throw some dog food in with the occasional fruit/vegetable. I spray mine every night with water, in some places with high humidity mold may be an issue, but its dry here so not really a problem. Also a heating pad under one side will bring the temps up and encourage breeding. Other than that leave them alone and theyll multiply like crazy.

** Only use dogfood for growing the colony. If your feeding them off, gutload them on something else for a couple days.
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