breeding crickets


New Member
Hi guys
I've been breeding crickets for quite a while now but i still can't seem to breed them in their 100's.I believe ive done everything right with egg cartons, food , (started off with 50 crickets) and temperature.I just wanted to know if coco peat(coconut husk) is a good substrate since it is currently wht i'm using. Instead of putting egg laying containers in with the crickets , i take the females out whenever they look plump and put them in a seperate container filled with substrate.I then leave them there until they look skinny again.I breed field crickets(gryllus bimaculatus).Any ideas...?
They also stink and are noisy and they are one of the hardest feeders to raise successfully. I only raise roaches and worms, no stinky noisy crickets over here... Roaches and worms dont smell, dont make noise, are easy to breed, get larger than crickets, goes on and on and on.

The occasional Superworm gives any chitin they may be missing from lack of crickets.
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