Blue Bottle Issues...

Bush baby

Avid Member
Is anyone else having an issue with BB flies, as of late?

I usually buy BB from (not going to name place), however the last few orders i've gotten from said place, the flies take a long time to hatch almost 10 days and then when they hatch they die…… :confused:

I've ordered from this place for over a year, and hatch them the same way with no problem, however, the last few orders - the flies die off within hours of hatching….:confused:
With cooler fall temps mine take a little longer to hatch. About 48 hours to hatch, when I keep them warm. If you keep the pupae too hot, it will kill them and you'll have a low hatch rate and fly die off. So keep them in the room temp to 80 degree range.


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Im having the same issue. Mine are kept at a constant 78f. They take forever to hatch and are dead the next day.

I just got a new batch so we'll see what happens.

Always get Spikes (AKA maggots), not pupae.

Me thinks the trick is to ask for FRESH Spikes when you order. Rebecca at will wait to send to you when a fresh order comes in, not sure if Grubco will do that.:D

Always get Spikes (AKA maggots), not pupae.

Me thinks the trick is to ask for FRESH Spikes when you order. Rebecca at will wait to send to you when a fresh order comes in, not sure if Grubco will do that.:D

I always get the Pupae form and have had no problem with them. My current order takes about 48 hours to hatch, but I have not had a single fly die yet. I have some that are about a week old right now. My home is always at about 70 degrees with a night time drop to 65.
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