Biting the hand that feeds you


I was wondering if any one has been bit while hand feeding? Pop-Tart hasn't bitten me, yet. I'm curious because he's no longer afraid of my hand. He will walk right up and munch on food from my hand. He doesn't always use his tongue though. I'm a bit nervous he might bite my hand on accident. So, anyone have that issue while hand feeding?
Ive been bit before while hand feeding. My cham was about 6 months old at the time. He shot his tongue out and missed the worm, and his tongue got stuck to my finger. My immediate reaction was to pretty much get his tongue back in his mouth before he bites it off. So I quickly moved my finger into his mouth and he instinctively chomped down on it.

And thats how I lost my finger.

Kidding! The feeling of the bite was unpleasant but it did not break skin. Dont be scared, but if it does happen just remain calm and dont freak out or you can hurt your cham.
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