New Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to all this. Had my yemen chameleon since Tuesday and cant take my eyes off him
he's 10 weeks old and seems to be settling in slowly. I have an 18x18x18 vivarium with a screened top to it. All the temps are correct and humidity is about 55%.
I was a bit worried at first coz he didnt eat straight away but after tempting him with a wax worm and giving him a few locusts instead of crickets he's starting to stuff his face
However, my only worry now is him drinking. The place i got him from had him drinking water from a dish, and i've heard this can be done but he doesnt seem to be going anywhere near it. I've been misting the tank on a daily basis and using the ice cube method ocassionally but what do you suggest is the best method to get him drinking???? 
Finally my other question is....does anyone know mood they're in when they're a certain colour i.e what does it mean when he is green with yellow spots??
your help and advice wud be great
thanks all
I'm new to all this. Had my yemen chameleon since Tuesday and cant take my eyes off him
I was a bit worried at first coz he didnt eat straight away but after tempting him with a wax worm and giving him a few locusts instead of crickets he's starting to stuff his face
Finally my other question is....does anyone know mood they're in when they're a certain colour i.e what does it mean when he is green with yellow spots??
your help and advice wud be great
thanks all