Bigger cage=bigger heat bulb??


I'm moving my adult female veiled into a bigger cage, is it a good idea to use a higher wattage basking bulb so heat reaches further and deeper??? Currently using 65watt bulb
nope, just adjust your branch and your light til you get the desired basking temp you want. They only need the one spot to bask.

But what about the rest of the cage space temp or do I just make sure her basking spot is correct and leave it at that???
as long as your ambient room temps arent changing there should be a need for a larger bulb.
as long as your ambient room temps arent changing there should be a need for a larger bulb.

I would even go so far as to say that even if your room temps are a bit low, you still don't want to change the bulb for fear of burns...and that happens a lot if raised too high.

in other words, if your room is too cold, don't change the bulb, change your room temps.
cage size doesn't matter.

thank you so much!!!!

what is the cause for little black flies in her current terrarium???

How many are there?Are these flies able to fit through the mesh/screen of your enclosure? It can be that if you have flies in your house some may have just flew in your cage. Or there is the possibility they are reproducing in the soil of your live plants.

ah yes i have hibiscus plants in with her and am currently setting up a new enclosure for her and think her substrate is the problem as it is damp/wet!!!
ah yes i have hibiscus plants in with her and am currently setting up a new enclosure for her and think her substrate is the problem as it is damp/wet!!!

don't worrie, that can be solved by buying some mantids from me. the nymphs love fruitflys. :p

I agree, I wouldn't go as far as adding a larger bulb, but I wouldn't just use your current setup. I would suggest, adding more heat lamps (equivalent to the one you currently use). This will allow your chameleon multiple areas to thermoregulate as opposed to just laying in one area for a heat source. Also this is dependent on the size of your cage...
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