Big Dripper advice


New Member
I just hooked up my Big Dripper to create a drinking station and help with humidity. I cut a hole in top of cage to put tube through and let it drip throughout the day on vine below. I have a large Tupperware container to catch the excess water. Well I came home today to find the cage flooded and water all over the floor. Huge mess. Is there a better solution to catching all the water on bottom of cage? Do you think my cham will drink from tube if I hang it down to where he can reach it and let it go directly into container and not on branches?

Thank you!
OMG I had this issue with my dripper when I first set up Loki's drip was horrible lol.....I have the small dripper....what I do is fill it a little more then half full and I have a container in the bottom that is a big oval shape but isn't very deep (so if he was to fall in it he wouldn't drowned since he is only about 4 months old). I fill it up in the morning and let it drip all day....I am out of the house from 6:15am until about 6pm and it is normally empty by the time I get home but the leaves are still damp so I know it didn't run out that long ago. I never used the hose thing, I just drip it through the screen....

I don't know if this will work for you, the container I have is full to the brim when I get home but its contained. So maybe you could try just putting in enough water to get him through the time you are away from home...then if you need to put a bit more in when you get home you can....I don't bother having it drip at night since he is asleep until the lights come on anyways...but then I don't need it for humidity at night so I'm not sure if you do or not....hope that helps :)

Hopefully someone with a bit more experience will post :)
I appreciate it! I was wondering if I could have the tube in a certain position to where he could drink from it directly but not sure if that's possible.
My Jackson drinks directly from the tube of the Big Dipper. He walks up to it and sticks his mouth right underneath. I need to take pictures, it's cute as heck to watch. :D
For both of my drippers, I have a long single piece of tubing attached to the nozzle from the bottle, I plug the end of the tubing with hot glue. Then I poke several holes about an inch apart from the end back. Then I lay this in a circle over one of the plants. This allows a slow and steady dripping of water to be available all the time without flooding the enclosure.
If you have a screen cage, LLL Reptile sells drip trays that fit the 24 by24 cages.:D

For both of my drippers, I have a long single piece of tubing attached to the nozzle from the bottle, I plug the end of the tubing with hot glue. Then I poke several holes about an inch apart from the end back. Then I lay this in a circle over one of the plants. This allows a slow and steady dripping of water to be available all the time without flooding the enclosure.

Do you have pics of this custom drip posted anywhere yet? I'm curious.
If you have a screen cage, LLL Reptile sells drip trays that fit the 24 by24 cages.:D


I heard someone talking about these. They look great. I wish I knew of them before I customized my internal substrate pan from DIY. Only prob I have is the over spray That runs down the sides.
We just started using the dropper and have placed a baking tray under our planter, where most of the water falls.

Problem is we have a custom cage so we will have to design a system. Problem is we don't have much height above the cage since it sits on our kitchen counter. So a long 48" by 22" tray is something we will have to get custom built to catch the water.

Luckily no floods yet!
To be frank, I believe your doing something wrong if you don't have some kind of drainage system. But don't worry I found out the same way. :eek:
I dont understand why people have their drippers dropping at such a fast rate?

Some people say their getting 3 drops a second! Why is that nessesary?

If your just trying to get standing water on your leaves, i have found that one drop every 5-10 seconds is plenty (if not too much) to keep all the leaves wet throughout the entire day.

I use a 700ml bottle and it lasts 12-16 hours. It never runs dry, and i never have more than a few drops on the ground. Usually falls onto/into the bottom plant. perfect. No need for a drainage system at all.
Just drill a bunch of holes in the cage floor, put the whole cage on a drip
pan, drill a hole in the corner of the drip pan, and stick a bucket under the
drain hole.
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