Big difference in lighting

6 months ago I replaced my 48" zoo med 5.0
Today I replaced it yet again.
Because my chams get at least 3 hours of sun a day im not overly worried.
I spoke to Ed(Kammer) at the show last week and he told me he always gets about a 40 reading on his bulbs. When I measured mine brand new out of the box I never got higher than 35.
todays readings are a whooping 95!. I am thrilled to say the least.
Here are 2 photos, same distance and side by side. One has new bulbs, the other I hadn't changed yet.
This is why to me a uv meter is so important. Ed also told me from time to time a "bad " batch of bulbs will circulate.


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Wow that's crazy Anne!! Same fixture, same everything just a new bulb? Same type of bulb brand etc? Did you make sure the bulb agrees with the packaging as to what it is? The difference is awesome!....and your cham on FIRE :D:D:D On a side note next time I am up your way I HAVE to get one of those trees ;)
Hi Rob!, bought another tree for Komet today, he goes into his big boy cage you carried to my car :)
I wish I had known, I would have been more than happy to have brought one to you at the show.
I want to send you your stuff, will you pm me an addy?
Kruiser kinda snuck in there! *she giggles*
ps. Yep same zoomed, 5.0. Going to double check, do they make a 2.0 in 48"?
omai..Your boy told me he wants to come home..ill pm you my address. :p

I changed some of my bulbs to zilla linear bulbs. After reading this i checked mine at 4 inches and mine here read 105 @ 3 months old. If the wattage wasnt so high.... i would have powersuns on most of my chams. they read 1000 @ 6 months old same distance. Im sure the uvb output has to be much higher with mv bulbs as the heat from the bulb restricts many animals from distances under 12 inches.
Wow!, you get that high of a read? That is both awesome and amazing:)
My next set of lights will be the arcadias, just didn't budget for the t12's.
Careful what you ask for, I might just send him!!
And its a "Song of India". A draecena, hardy, does really well in enclosures. And not expensive. The box stores, HD, Lowes carry them but are much smaller

And that pic of Kruiser is in the darker cage, it will be fun to see him in the new light tomorrow. I noticed Krunch went and hid under foliage when I turn on the new bulbs :)
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