Beardie Vs Water Dragon for pet?


New Member
Since we are going to the reptile show in Orlando, I was thinking about getting a baby beardie or water dragon. I was wondering how friendly they are, do they make good companion pets or are they more like Chams and for looking at only? I want something that enjoys the company of a human ( and I already have dogs, cats, and husband lol!!) and something my step son can handle more frequently without health concerns. (He is 9 and very sweet and responsible) He loves reptiles so getting him a puppy won't cure him!! He's doing great with Fred the cham, he still loves him even though he can't handle him but I still wish he had one he could (and me too!!) What do u think?:D
I don't know much about water dragons, but beardies are fantastic pets, especially for kids! They get quite large, though, and need strong UVB lighting. Leopard geckos are also great, as are crested geckos. Your son would do fine with any of these, though the beardie will probably be the most rewarding. By the way, never use calci sand, vita sand, walnut shells, or reptile bark. They cause massive impactions. I think that hulled provo millet is okay for mature dragons. is a good site to do reading on. The best substrate is a cut-to-fit piece of non adhesive shelf liner. Keep a couple on hand and just rotate them as they get dirty and you can wipe or spray them down. Reptile carpet is okay, too, but not the kind with little looped fibers (toes can get stuck).

Hope that helps!
if i am not mistaken, water dragon gets quite large in size and its care is more complex than bearded dragons.
If you want pet for your kid that tolerate handling more , i say go with a beardie.
I currently have both, but I would say go with the Beardie. Water Dragons are a nearly the same care as far as feeding, lighting, and heating. However, the cage for the Water Dragon needs to be quite large as they are large as adults. You also need to have a good size container of water to soak in. And although "Cuddles" our WD is very mild mannered-for a kid I say go Beardie.
ive had/have both. and my bearded dragon is a tank. she will not run away if held, she is so easy with care, and overall a great pet. a water dragon, however, is a good pet, but the one ive had was psycho like my veiled. his care was a little bit harder, but i didnt get to hold him very often w/o having bite marks on my hand. go with the Bearded dragon, and you will not be disappointed
I would go with the bearded dragon. My suggestion would be to purchase one that is a little older, maybe around three to four months, and has already been introduced to vegetables. My children got their first beardie in November and these suggestions have really helped us.
You will need a big space for the enclosure though. Right now our six months old beardie is in a 60 gallon tank, and at the rate he's growing I'm looking at finding a bigger tank rather soon.
Earlier I forgot to let you know if you go to and click on Nutrition Chart it gives you a long list of what to feed to a beardie. It shows staple foods as well as occasional treats and what absolutely not to feed.
Thank you everyone!! Beardie it is!! My husband keeps trying to convience me they are or get mean when they get big, they do usually stay friendly as they grow (unlike chams) right?
My beardie was always very sweet. We did have one that got an attitude every once and a while, but over all pretty mellow. I was always told that beardies are the "dogs of the reptile world". I think that would be a great choice. :)
I loved my dragons but once they reached maturity they really started to smell bad. I had to get to sell them to a friend because they just smelled too bad. Other then that I loved my bearded dragons.
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