Basking light placement


So I'm just about complete in setting up the cage. But wanted to check to make sure that I have it set up properly.

According to Todd, he said to place the basking light in front and the UVB in back. But I wonder if the basking light is too close to the UVB light? I don't want to cause it to overheat.

it's a 50W bulb

Your setup is looking good. I would trust Todd's judgment on light placement. I personally believe in setting up separate areas for each light so the chameleon can make their own decision as to what they need and when. IMO, I would add about three times the amount of horizontal perches in the enclosure. This will reduce your worry of heat exhaustion by allowing more opportunity for proper thermoregulation.

I always find that the best reading for a hygrometer is when the probe is placed centrally in the enclosure. In screen enclosures, too close to the bottom will give you a high reading that doesn't reflect an appropriate humidity for the enclosure and too close to the top will give you a low reading due to the heat of the bulbs.

What species are you housing in this enclosure?

Looking good! (y)
Thanks. I do plan on adding branches and a ladder, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm getting a male ambilobe panther that should arrive Tuesday.

Here's his picture:
I wouldn't worry too much about the UV fixture as long as there is a bit of space between the basking bulb dome and the plastic fixture housing. The dome helps dissipate the heat on its own.
Set up looks good. I'd add some horizontal branches and vines to give the chameleon plenty of options for basking.
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