Banana roaches


New Member
Where can I buy banana roaches? Anyone have a website of a supplier?

Also, what is a good setup for these?
I made a bin for flying roaches with a plastic top inside the regular lid and an access port by cutting a container and hot gluing it like you see in this picture. So far this was not necessary for working with them, they are extremely secretive and stay under stuff, but it also keeps them in the bin, including the nymphs which I believe would get out of an ordinary bin.


Link to my Photo Album, shows my bin and some pictures of my small set up for them, I have a couple hundred going right now.

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Great tub idea. I'm from Florida myself and would be interested in picking up some banana roaches if you ever decide to sell some in the future. I think I may have seen some baby banana roach nymphs outside in my back yard before. They love to burrow under plant pots.
I’m in Ft. Lauderdale and they aren’t that uncommon. It would be hard to identify the nymphs because they look like a hundred other roaches to me, but I have seen adults at night around my outside light and stuff like that. I have seen an adult that was a lot bigger with like a red line down each side, not sure what that is but maybe the giant type? I was not able to order the giant because they aren’t allowed to be shipped to Florida. By the way, the humid hide I made seems to be something they really like, I have lots of nymphs crawling through the water gel crystals in that thing. They love it humid and warm and breed like crazy.

In case you didn’t check this out in the photo album, I make a tube of plastic window screen, hot glue it through a small tub and fill it with water gel crystals. The GBR crawl through the tube and like to sit right on top or crawl around in the cool damp gel. The nymphs tunnel all through this. I used to keep the lid snapped down tight but I think they laid eggs right through the screen so the nymphs were stuck inside the screen. I had to leave the lid loose so they could get out. Then the adults just sort of moved in to the gel and seem to like it so I let them have access by keeping the lid on loose.

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