Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis

DGray, this may be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway. :) Can BTI be used for fungus gnats without harming springtails and isopods in a planted viv?
DGray, this may be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway. :) Can BTI be used for fungus gnats without harming springtails and isopods in a planted viv?

I don't think it is a stupid question at all. But in all honesty, I'm not sure. BT works in a very specific way on an insect's gut. I know it would theoretically not affect non-insects.

Perhaps try an experiment for yourself ?
That's a good idea, I think I will. I have a temperate springtail culture going. I'll take a small portion out and give it a go. :)
Ok, I took a small deli cup and set up a trial springtail culture. I used hygroton as the media, and fish flakes as the food. It's setup like a small version of my main culture. I used 3 BTI impregnated mosquito dunk dscs in the watering can, I put them in the watering can about 24 hours before I used some of the water. I usually only use 1 disc for my watering can, but I wanted a more concentrated mix. I only used the BTI water for the culture. So far, they're still doing well. It's been about 4 or five days. I'll update this in about a week, sooner if the culture tanks.
Update, just in case any one is wondering the outcome. The mini culture of springtails in the BTI water is doing great, reproducing normally, and hasn't had any ill effects that I can see. I'll update again if I notice any changes.
Good experiment Melissa. I have treated my Cham cage with a soak of BTI with no ill effects going in 3 weeks now
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