Attitude issues?


New Member
So I am nervous, can a cham trying to bit everytime you near her be a symptom of something bad? That is how it started with my past girl before she got ill.
Ziva just seems to be extremely grumpy lately.
So I am nervous, can a cham trying to bit everytime you near her be a symptom of something bad? That is how it started with my past girl before she got ill.
Ziva just seems to be extremely grumpy lately.

Chameleons hate company, thats just in their natural nature.There lonely reptiles...they prefer to be alone and are very territorial.So don't get surprised if he tries to bite you, it normal.Stressing a chameleon can eventually lead to death so be careful and try not to bug him/her.
Anytime my hand is in her home. It just started though. She used to let me take her out. Now less than a week later she wont let me near her, but has never changed to stress colors the closest color has been slight speckles but nearly visible...

I guess I am paranoid. I expect her wanting to be alone, but I am nervous.

Sorry to be a bother, lol.
So I am nervous, can a cham trying to bit everytime you near her be a symptom of something bad? That is how it started with my past girl before she got ill.
Ziva just seems to be extremely grumpy lately.

Don't worry! It's perfectly normal in chameleons! :) my 3 month old male Veiled Chameleon hates to be intruded apon especially when I tak him out to free range but he calms down if I hold him for a few minutes... But it's the complete opposite for my newest female veiled chameleon which is 11 months old she doesn't warn me off or try to bite me or hiss she's just a gentle chameleon :)
my cham does not like to be approached in the cage. He will let me mess around in the cage and whatever but does not like you going directly at him. what I did was open the cage door and he climbs out on it and then I gently put my hand up to him and he climbs on everytime! Works like a charm! You can also try using a branch to get her to climb on to. Do you have a place where your cham can go outside the cage for a change of pace? I have a small hibiscus tree on my patio and i swear he associates coming out and climbing on my hand and knowing he is going for a change of scenery!
my cham does not like to be approached in the cage. He will let me mess around in the cage and whatever but does not like you going directly at him. what I did was open the cage door and he climbs out on it and then I gently put my hand up to him and he climbs on everytime! Works like a charm! You can also try using a branch to get her to climb on to. Do you have a place where your cham can go outside the cage for a change of pace? I have a small hibiscus tree on my patio and i swear he associates coming out and climbing on my hand and knowing he is going for a change of scenery!

I wish my grumpy butt did that! She stays perched up high no matter if her cage is open or not. She even runs away if she is wandering lower and get to close and look at her LOL. If I want to bring food to her I have to make sure she can not see my eyes. (Sometimes I hold the bowl with her worms up closer to her. )

I guess I will give her time and see how this goes. Hopefully she eventually calms down.
A snappy cham, is a healthy cham.

As true as I would love that to be, that was the exact opposite with my last girl. She never snapped until she got ill and once she was in the care of the store awaiting her vet visit she did nothing but snap. She actually bit a few people too....
So I am very fearful
A chameleon doesn't like to be handled. They also don't like new places. That is why when cleaning their cages it's a good idea to keep it like it was, as much as possible. so moving a cham around to a vet or other place tends to upset them.
A chameleon doesn't like to be handled. They also don't like new places. That is why when cleaning their cages it's a good idea to keep it like it was, as much as possible. so moving a cham around to a vet or other place tends to upset them.

Oh I keep as much the same as possible. When I had to take her anywhere, her whole set up when. She is tiny right now so that is still easy, but not for long!.
Anyways, I keep her fake plants in the exact same spots and it seems she relies on that since those are her beds. She sleeps only in her fake plants lol
She has two real plants one is new but she is taking to it well
Oh I keep as much the same as possible. When I had to take her anywhere, her whole set up when. She is tiny right now so that is still easy, but not for long!.
Anyways, I keep her fake plants in the exact same spots and it seems she relies on that since those are her beds. She sleeps only in her fake plants lol
She has two real plants one is new but she is taking to it well

So how old is she? Many veileds go through a particularly grumpy "teenage" phase as their hormones start kicking in. She may settle down a little as she matures. YMMV.
So how old is she? Many veileds go through a particularly grumpy "teenage" phase as their hormones start kicking in. She may settle down a little as she matures. YMMV.

Shes 2 - 3 months old. I THINK.

Today the only way to take her out was to take her fake plant with her. I needed to clean the wall, little Miss Ziva made a mess that was bugging me. Once she got out she was GREAT. I had a bright green shirt on and she seemed to enjoy that lol...
Maybe it is just me in her comfort zone that is not ok... We shall see.. .
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