Are waxworms too fatty?

K. Host

I was just wondering, are waxworms too fatty? Or could they serve as a healthy staple for my young veiled?
Thanks and have a wonderful holiday,
I would not use waxworms as a constant food source. Honestly, I would use them maybe once a month as a treat....if that. They have very little nutritious value if any and they are basically just fat. I would use silk worms or small hornworms. Plus, if you were to feed your chameleon nothing but waxworms for a while, it would be very difficult to get him to switch back to healthy feeders without forced hunger.
Wax worms are a good way to get your cham to hand feed, but should be used as a treat, or not at all. There are way more nutritious options for feeders, and remember that variety is the spice of life!
You could also feed them honey mixed with oatmeal so they pupate and feed the moths. Some lizards love to eat fast flying insects, and the moths are very healthy.
The only reason I would ever consider to use wax worms on a regular basis is if you have a rather thin chameleon, my chameleon Ryker has a need for the fattier feeders. He doesn't eat enough in one sitting to keep his high metabolism satisfied. He has gained his normal weight back, however he needs to be fed a couple wax worms a week just to make sure he is keeping that weight where he needs it.
Think of them like you would a mars bar for humans (other bars are available).
Plus they can become "addicted" to them and can go on hunger strike
Waxworms do not last very long, so buy the smallest amount you can, and pupate the rest for small moths, as stated earlier.


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