Anywhere other than petco?

I heard vermiculite reduces the stink.
Hmmm idt so, vermiculite holds moisture which would make it more likely to stink. I'm not a vermiculite expert though, so maybe I'm missing something?

I'm curious as we have contradicting information on this point. I'm pretty sure the point of vermiculite is promoting dryness, but I am no expert on soil or gardening. Like @MissSkittles I read that vermiculite DOES reduce the smell but I have not tested this myself. I do have vermiculite on hand but no crickets as I mostly feed dubias. Maybe I'll get some crickets and report back.

Sources of vermiculite as a cricket substrate:

Critter Depot

Josh's Frogs
I'm curious as we have contradicting information on this point. I'm pretty sure the point of vermiculite is promoting dryness, but I am no expert on soil or gardening. Like @MissSkittles I read that vermiculite DOES reduce the smell but I have not tested this myself. I do have vermiculite on hand but no crickets as I mostly feed dubias. Maybe I'll get some crickets and report back.

Sources of vermiculite as a cricket substrate:

Critter Depot

Josh's Frogs

I haven't used vermiculite, so I really am not sure, but the fact that it holds moisture makes my initial feeling that it'd amplify smell. Afterall it is for keeping soil moist, no?

I never had smell problems from ghanns crickets so I had no need to use vermiculite or anything else, but if it helps i say go for it.
@MissSkittles hope you don't think I'm criticizing you, I just figured vermiculite would wick up the moisture and smell. Did you try ghanns at all without it? Maybe you just have a better nose than me too lol.
@MissSkittles hope you don't think I'm criticizing you, I just figured vermiculite would wick up the moisture and smell. Did you try ghanns at all without it? Maybe you just have a better nose than me too lol.
No, I don’t think you’re criticizing me at all! Geez! You are the ‘Bug Lord’ and I trust your knowledge of all things buggy. My next purchase of crickets, I’ll try without vermiculite. I didn’t realize it held onto moisture. While I’m not about to do any sniff tests, ( ? ) I suspect it’s the egg crate in there that gets so foul. Not sure what else I can use instead though.
I haven't used vermiculite, so I really am not sure, but the fact that it holds moisture makes my initial feeling that it'd amplify smell. Afterall it is for keeping I never had smell problems from ghanns crickets so I had no need to use vermiculite or anything else, but if it helps i say go for it.
Inconsistencies like this are why the forum exists. I think the reason bug breeders use it is to soak up waste, according to the sources I cited. I’ve never tried ghann’s crickets. I have no idea why a specific bug farm would produce crickets that don’t smell vs all others. It’s another thing to try I suppose.
Inconsistencies like this are why the forum exists. I think the reason bug breeders use it is to soak up waste, according to the sources I cited. I’ve never tried ghann’s crickets. I have no idea why a specific bug farm would produce crickets that don’t smell vs all others. It’s another thing to try I suppose.

It's not that they do specifically, just bandeds in general, and ghanns seem to be kept the cleanest based on how they arrive vs other places I've ordered from. Either way, I'm a roach guy, so I'm just offering my little input on why there might be odor. I'd recommend people do whatever works best for them lol.
No, I don’t think you’re criticizing me at all! Geez! You are the ‘Bug Lord’ and I trust your knowledge of all things buggy. My next purchase of crickets, I’ll try without vermiculite. I didn’t realize it held onto moisture. While I’m not about to do any sniff tests, ( ? ) I suspect it’s the egg crate in there that gets so foul. Not sure what else I can use instead though.

Lol I never know with people! Definitely could be the egg crates
My veiled chameleon is only around 4 months, male, and still eats a lot. Every 3 days we have to go to petco for crickets and I hate going there, they sell 2 week old veiled chameleons and can’t even keep betta fish alive, but anyway, I would love to stop crickets entirely one day, but atm it just isn’t really possible. So is there anywhere online (so we won’t have to go to petco as I said I HATE petco) that sells small amounts of crickets, preferably with free shipping?? ?? there probably isn’t but any suggestions are appreciated!!
I like Josh's. I also ordered some plants from them and they came in good shape.
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