Any Advice on new Bioactive set up?


New Member
Hi Everybody, I've just recently gotten a new setup for my veiled chameleons enclosure and was wondering if y’all had any advice. I’m relatively new to chameleons but am hoping to do well.


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So with a Veiled you have to be really careful about what goes into the enclosure. All moss sitting on the surface of things needs to be removed. You can use leaf litter instead. But they will eat everything. They are like toddlers everything goes in their mouth. This is then dangerous due to impaction issues.

Also your plants must be veiled tested. Things like ivy can be very dangerous if they eat it.

Here is a safe plant list below... Choose Veiled tested plants. You might consider a nice centerpiece plant to provide more coverage.

You will also need horizontal branches. you can latch them to your vertical branches with zip ties and then clean cut the part that hangs out so that it is not sharp.

Start reading through this husbandry program. It will point out other areas that you may not have perfected.

chameleon academy plants.png
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