angry about everything?!


Established Member
Nolan is hostile as heck now that he’s getting older and I’m afraid his dominant energy will kill him and myself. Me, because I feel like I can’t even be in the same room as him anymore and him because well, he gets angry so much now it probably causes stress too.
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I am going to guess that Nolan is a veiled chameleon. haha

Veilds are notorious for having bad attitudes and becoming pretty aggressive. I once had a veiled that forced me to wear welding gloved when cleaning his cage or even feeding him. As soon as my hand went into the cage for ANY reason he would literally jump on it and start biting. it was really startling at first, but I learned to cope with it in time.

He will be fine, just try to enjoy him from a distance as much as possible and try to gain some trust (though he may always be aggressive).
Nolan is hostile as heck now that he’s getting older and I’m afraid his dominant energy will kill him and myself. Me, because I feel like I can’t even be in the same room as him anymore and him because well, he gets angry so much now it probably causes stress too.
Aging pets—and all that they entail—is part of the bargain & social contract we agree to when adopting an animal into our homes/lives. ;)

It's also possible that something medical is bothering him. I would glove up and check him over for anything obvious/potentially problematic, and if warranted, take him to a vet, and proceed from there.
I am going to guess that Nolan is a veiled chameleon. haha

Veilds are notorious for having bad attitudes and becoming pretty aggressive. I once had a veiled that forced me to wear welding gloved when cleaning his cage or even feeding him. As soon as my hand went into the cage for ANY reason he would literally jump on it and start biting. it was really startling at first, but I learned to cope with it in time.

He will be fine, just try to enjoy him from a distance as much as possible and try to gain some trust (though he may always be aggressive).

I had a male veiled that was just like that! Cleaning the cage was a challenge! However he was a great breeder....good with the attitude to them.
Welcome to the real side of owning a Veiled. They can become extremely cage aggressive. It is their space and they want to make sure you understand that. Beman will strike to the point of almost falling off a branch to come at me when I open the cage door. I have to very cautiously watch his behavior and color changes to see what personality I am going to get on any given day. He will still come out on to me willingly but he will go into full display and hostile behavior first when I open his cage door. Once he comes out and we move more than a foot away from his cage he totally calms down and becomes the Beman I raised.

It is one of those things that you just have to really watch them and understand what the reason behind the behavior is. Just him protecting his territory.

I do not limit my interaction as this can make them worse. I still get in each day and spot clean the cage, feed him, pull dead leaves, etc. I do not let him have the upper hand. I respect his space but I still do what I need to do to care for him. If he feels the need to get pissy then that is on him. But it does not cause so much stress that he is going to die from it. I have literally been dealing with his behavior like this the last almost 2 years. He is 3 and a half years old and his behavior started to change around 14-16 months old. It progressively got more territorial.
Welcome to the real side of owning a Veiled. They can become extremely cage aggressive. It is their space and they want to make sure you understand that. Beman will strike to the point of almost falling off a branch to come at me when I open the cage door. I have to very cautiously watch his behavior and color changes to see what personality I am going to get on any given day. He will still come out on to me willingly but he will go into full display and hostile behavior first when I open his cage door. Once he comes out and we move more than a foot away from his cage he totally calms down and becomes the Beman I raised.

It is one of those things that you just have to really watch them and understand what the reason behind the behavior is. Just him protecting his territory.

I do not limit my interaction as this can make them worse. I still get in each day and spot clean the cage, feed him, pull dead leaves, etc. I do not let him have the upper hand. I respect his space but I still do what I need to do to care for him. If he feels the need to get pissy then that is on him. But it does not cause so much stress that he is going to die from it. I have literally been dealing with his behavior like this the last almost 2 years. He is 3 and a half years old and his behavior started to change around 14-16 months old. It progressively got more territorial.
Yeah I’m starting to see that. He’s very sweet normally but as he gets older and is in a much bigger tank is attitude is bigger too! I took him outside today and he gaped his mouth and puffed up at the WIND! Like he was ready to fight it!🥴
Yeah I’m starting to see that. He’s very sweet normally but as he gets older and is in a much bigger tank is attitude is bigger too! I took him outside today and he gaped his mouth and puffed up at the WIND! Like he was ready to fight it!🥴
my tank you do not mean tank right lol.

They are territorial animals. just what you have to deal with when they mature.
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