a little help please??


New Member
so I have two panthers they are about 2-2.5 months old today I watched one of them go after a gnat sooo i want to get them some flies what are the best kind and where can i get them from!!!???
Yes, go to the sponsors in the top right corner of the screen and under it, it shows "view our sponsors" and click on it, you will find a list of sponsors that sell many feeders and chameleons!
I had my 4mo Panther out on the patio sitting on my arm and a fly landed on my other, he snatched that puppy up in no time, for me very fun to watch :)
so any kind of flies will work? I have ordered from 2 of them before I ordered some small silk worms (under 1/2in) and got ones that were over an inch :( so it was a waste. I will research what ones will be the best size for them thanks guys!! :) :)
I get mine from mantisplace.com. Im not sure if any of the sponsors sells house or blue bottle flies. At 2.5 months old your chams might not be large enough for blue bottle flies. House flies are pretty small, I would go with those at the moment.
My dilemma seems to be quantity they are sold. I only have my 1 Panther so buying a 1000 toys seems a bit excessive. Let me check it out and when I find more info I will let you know. Cause I need smalls too
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