2 weeks hunger strike


Established Member
my 8 months old veiled stoped eating 2 weeks ago!he only wants superworms...i give him lots of feeders:dubia,cinerea,lateralis,waxworms,crickets,etc but he wont eat them!i ve been through this but never so long!he looks kinda skinny but he is hidrated and very active!so its been 2 weeks with no food at all!i am afraid he will become weak and ill!what should i do?can he go longer with this superworm hunger strike?i dont want him to starve to death!everything else is ok:temps,humid etc!thank you
You need to feed your cham the superworms. If it has been 2 weeks and you have tried all those feeders listed to no avail, I would feed your cham what he wants now. 1 week without food is fine, but 2 weeks, yikes:eek:

After your cham gets nourished again, start your process over, and maybe begin with Silkworms or Hornworms. Do not start for around 2-3 days after the superworm feeding, that way he will be hungry.
I have heard of healthy adults going for a month without food and surviving but your chameleon is only 8 months old and still growing. Me, personally, I would feed him the supers. If he won't eat those, then there is obviously something else going on and a vet visit might be in order.
Carol, what do you feed your supers? OP, If your going to do this i would follow what carol says to the T..

This is why i voice the hatred for supers. There is no room for error with these bugs.
Carol, what do you feed your supers? OP, If your going to do this i would follow what carol says to the T..

This is why i voice the hatred for supers. There is no room for error with these bugs.

haha John, I knew when you heard the dreaded word "super" you would comment!! lol I put my supers in oats and I feed them, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, carrots, apples, sweet peppers sometimes cantalope and mango. And John I am not saying what I feed them is right, so as I appreciate the compliment to follow what I do I am not sure it is the best diet for them.
:p You can count on me to reply to any said combination of super worm and hunger strike. :p Its uncontrollable.

You cant deny what you do with superworms doesnt work..You have a gorgeous sambava that says it does :)
Carol, what do you feed your supers? OP, If your going to do this i would follow what carol says to the T..

This is why i voice the hatred for supers. There is no room for error with these bugs.

John, what is the inside scoop regarding superworms?
ok,thank you all for your responses, i will keep feeding him supers a few days and see how it goes
John, what is the inside scoop regarding superworms?

John just plain hates them, he thinks they are ugly!:D No, all kidding aside, it seems to be a pattern of people who feed them that their chameleons go on hunger strikes and will only eat them. And he is right, I had the same problem also and my one chameleon stopped eating crickets. They are very fatty too which is not the best choice of feeder. I don't know if there is any other reason why John calls them the "Worm from Hell"(or something to that effect)!! Lets see what John has to say!!! You know I love you John!!!
I've never fed my chameleon superworms and after reading this I don't think I will. Do they taste that damn good to them that they go on a hunger strike? Is it the high fat ratio? I wonder if it tastes like a big slab of ribs to them, and crickets taste like salad. lol
my 8 months old veiled stoped eating 2 weeks ago!he only wants superworms...i give him lots of feeders:dubia,cinerea,lateralis,waxworms,crickets,etc but he wont eat them!i ve been through this but never so long!he looks kinda skinny but he is hidrated and very active!so its been 2 weeks with no food at all!i am afraid he will become weak and ill!what should i do?can he go longer with this superworm hunger strike?i dont want him to starve to death!everything else is ok:temps,humid etc!thank you

Have you tried cup feeding? Might give it a shot. Also I tend to only use superworms as a "treat" if you will.
Have you tried cup feeding? Might give it a shot. Also I tend to only use superworms as a "treat" if you will.

i cup feed and hand feed .
i gave him like 2 superworms per week as treat ... thats how this started .
damn i why did i got supers in the 1st place :( .
ill post some pics with kiwi tomorrow
I've never fed my chameleon superworms and after reading this I don't think I will. Do they taste that damn good to them that they go on a hunger strike? Is it the high fat ratio? I wonder if it tastes like a big slab of ribs to them, and crickets taste like salad. lol

Our reptile vet's opinion on them is its like offering a little kid a bag of potato chips or a spinach salad.... they're gonna hold out for the supers lol :)
Dumb question, but here goes... Are superworms also morio worms? Lol

the larvae is called superworms or zophobas and the bug is the darkling beetle that is called Zophobas morio, so i guess its the same . not realy sure of that .
Lol I feel bad for you, must be frustrating, I haven't experienced that with my 4 month old yet and I really hope I never do!!! Good luck getting him off his crack addiction lol
Mine always go (went) on a short strike after any kind of worm. Your case is extreme though. I feel for you, but I don't have an answer except maybe increasing the temperature and offer him better feeders?
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