1 day old *first hatch, sambava*

took a photo today and last night. he is eating from what i can tell, saw him shoot yesterday and poop today. no other eggs are starting to sweat yet.

=p trade for a breedable pair of quads laurie =p

lol.. yah still the same, no more sweating.
sorry to hear about the Dam, she looks quite lovely in the pics, even if she was a "firecracker".. Was she a Ramina/Torch progeny? Your Sire is pretty sweet looking too! ...and the baby....I am sure he and his sibs will all be stunning.
Awesome..Congrats! I just had a sambava hatch yesterday and it has taken almost a full 12 months...18 more still incubating and 1 female hatched 4 months ago. Crazy
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