1.1 Bradypodion setaroi

The pics...


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Very nice!! Bd. setaroi is my favorite of the available Bradypodion species in Germany. Unfortunately this time it was not possible to import them but I am hoping for them later this year. Transvaalense will be coming to the US soon and also some more thamnobates from my German friends:)

You have some really nice species!
Very nice pictures, not my personal favorite, but still very nice.

Myself have been working with Br. thamnobates from my ex-boyfriend, but myself my favorite is Br. dracomontanum, if I could ever lay my hands on those...Or Br. pumilum is also nice...Br, transvalaanse... I could go on for hours :rolleyes:
Very nice pictures, not my personal favorite, but still very nice.

Myself have been working with Br. thamnobates from my ex-boyfriend, but myself my favorite is Br. dracomontanum, if I could ever lay my hands on those...Or Br. pumilum is also nice...Br, transvalaanse... I could go on for hours :rolleyes:

Oh yes, me too.

one more species which is living here by me.

Have fun ;)

Next time we come to Germany I really need to meet some of you guys. We usually go to Bavaria, where do you and Benny live??

We may be over this summer.
Well maybe I need to see if hubby wants to go back to Germany. For some reason that is the place he loves to go. So it makes it easy for me, if I want to go on a trip, just say Germany and he is packing.:D

I would so love to see some of the chameleons that are never here in the us.
can anybody show me a care sheet on these guys cause i cant find one anyware


As a South African resident, it is illegal for you to collect and keep this species. This species is endangered according to Tolley & Burger (2007) and keeping the animal you collected from the wild will do no benefit to their natural populations.

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