
  1. summoner12

    AquaZamp - Sale!

    AquaZamp AquaZamp is having an election sale this week. Since AquaZamp is a company of the United States and it's products are made in the US, I thought this would be a great week to celebrate our democratic process. Purchase any of the Premium AquaZamp systems and receive free shipping...
  2. summoner12

    AquaZamp - San Jose, CA Herp World Expo

    We will be at the Herp World Expo this coming weekend in San Jose, CA. We had a really good time meeting a lot of people at this show last year. Come on by and say hello! Mention the forum and get a discount at the AquaZamp booth! Besides the usual great vendors last year, there was a...
  3. Brad

    Aqua Zamp

    Please welcome our new sponsor:
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