
  1. Cape Dward Chameleon Bradypodion Pumilum

    Cape Dward Chameleon Bradypodion Pumilum

  2. Cape Dward Chameleon Bradypodion Pumilum

    Cape Dward Chameleon Bradypodion Pumilum

    Found commonly in Gardens in and around the Cape.
  3. Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Another one fo George I.
  4. Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Another one of George I.
  5. Bradypodion Thamnobates

    Bradypodion Thamnobates

    Took about 100 pictures of the guy.
  6. Bradypodion Thamnobates (natal Dwarf)

    Bradypodion Thamnobates (natal Dwarf)

    Another pic of this magnificent chameleon.
  7. Bradypodion Thamnobates(natal Dwarf Chameleon)

    Bradypodion Thamnobates(natal Dwarf Chameleon)

    Found a Natal dwarf chameleon. He was very tame. Thought I would share the beauty.
  8. Bradypodion Damaranum

    Bradypodion Damaranum

    Bradypodion damaranum - male
  9. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Taken in Kenton, South Africa
  10. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Bradypodion Ventrale captured in Kenton, South Africa
  11. Bradypodion tavetanum juvenile

    Bradypodion tavetanum juvenile

    This little bradypodion is just a few hours old. He came out of the earth itself. They are realy amazing so little.
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