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  1. Luca and chilito

    Are all houseplants safe for chameleons?

    I got my chameleon a bigger cage for him. I don't know which plants are safe and Im just wondering if all houseplants are safe. If you can please list some safe plants for a panther. Thanks, Luca and chilito (little pepper)
  2. Luca and chilito

    Do chameleons get used to their sleep schedule?

    I've noticed that my chameleon usually goes asleep at 7:30 pm and gets up at 8am. I just want to know if a chameleon memorizes their sleep schedule.
  3. Luca and chilito

    Soft on chameleon head

    Hello I just wanted to know if the top of a panther chameleon head is supposed to be soft are head. Cause I gave my chameleon a little pat on the head and noticed that it was soft and felt like if you touch a Ziploc bag filled with air. That's all.
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