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  1. Haag

    Mike is now 16 months

    Some colours on a very cold and cloudy November day.
  2. Haag

    Hot and humid!

    Mike has been enjoying some warm and humid weather here in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada! Feels like 33c today! Hope your chameleon is also enjoying some real sun 🌞!
  3. Haag

    Mike is 11 months!

    Colours have just intensified following the latest shed!
  4. Haag

    Natural light 💡

    Summer time! 85% humidity here in Ottawa, Canada today! Mike is loving it and displaying new colours 😍
  5. Haag

    Mouth rot or dead skin?

    Hi, I just noticed the following on the lips of my chameleon. It doesn’t look like anything a can find about mouth rot. I found one post on the forum where the person went to the vet and it was nothing to worry about... but I still worry! The chameleon is 6 months old, great appetite and inside...
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