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  1. K

    Weird looking poop

    Hello, I woke up this morning to find this weird looking feces. Is this normal? I’ve never seen anything like it before
  2. K


    Is my baby pregnant?? She’s a Jackson and is only 5 months old. She seems a little big and is acting more aggressive than usual. She won’t get skinnier She is in a cage with a male. Is it even possible?!? Help!
  3. K

    Help! What gender??

    I get these Jackson’s about two months ago (they’re about 4-5 months old now) but this guys horns are alot smaller than his brother. Ik need to know if I need to switch his name from Rico to rica
  4. K

    Dehydration Question

    I just got three beautiful baby chameleons about a week ago. A few days ago one of them started to act a little funny by staying a light beige color and constantly sleeping. This morning I went to go check on him and he was barely able to hang on to the side of the cage. This afternoon I bought...
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