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  1. J

    Baby chameleon hatched

    So my baby hatched just now well this morning and I don’t have food for them is it true can can go 3 days without eating or until they eat
  2. J

    Is my Chameleon eggs ok?

    Hi it’s me again I was cheacking on my eggs that will hatch next month hopefully and I saw this eggs turned really small and it’s like the shell is not hard anymore should I be consented or are they about to hatch ? You can see the size difference from the other eggs and there is no mold or...
  3. J

    How my veild chameleon eggs looking

    Here is a picture of my almost about to hatch veild chameleon eggs. What do you guys think are they about to hatch? I have them like at 75-80 degrees F and at dark as well
  4. J

    Are my chameleons eggs close to hatching ?

    Hey guys it’s been a while out of 33 eggs I have 17 that were fertile but it’s been 108 days since they been hatched and once I candled one and it like holo you can only see the embryo and it’s veins but like white. And was wondering if the eggs look like they are about to hatch. I incubated...
  5. J

    Need help on veild chameleon eggs

    Hey I saw some of my veild chameleon eggs get blue and have white stuff on it is it mold I threw them away ? It’s been a week since they been laied
  6. J

    Rotating veild chameleon eggs

    My female layed her eggs and was wondering if you can rotate them at all because I realized that I did. Please help and also these are the eggs
  7. J

    My veild chameleon laid eggs

    My female finally laid her eggs hopefully all fertile and also was wondering does it matter how I place them in the media and also my media is not ready until 2-3 hours can they last that long the eggs ?
  8. J

    Did my chameleon lay eggs ?

    I was wondering if my chameleon laid her eggs i dont know if she still looks full what do you guys think?
  9. J

    Is my veild chameleon getting ready to lay ?

    My female today she kept going to the middle of the cage and goes back up and now I seen her at the bottom in a branch and then go back up is she getting ready to lay ?
  10. J

    Is anyone willing to mentor me thought the breeding process

    Is anyone willing to mentor me to help me with my breeding process. Right now my veild chameleon is gravid thanks
  11. J

    Can anyone give info on how to incubate veild chameleons eggs without incubator ?

    My female is gravid and I mated her with my male and was wondering if anyone knows good articles or can give me information for I can be ready before she has the eggs to be ready because dont want to anything wrong. Also everything I have to buy. I want to try to incubate the eggs without...
  12. J

    I have a question about my gravid veild chameleon.

    My female is showing sign of gravid once I put close to a male I did mate them but I put them together to mate multiple days. Is there a way to know how far she is and when she acually got pregnant for I can know when she would acually lay her eggs ? Here are some pictures of her once I showed...
  13. J

    how to know if your velid chameleon mating was sucessful ?

    i tries to breed my two chameleons because my female look lik she was pregnat and she was showing bright colors once showed to the male. but I want to know if she is pregnat and if the mating was success. where she is brown its before i tried to breed the. please help
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