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  1. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Thank you! :] Camo's freakin' adorable as well
  2. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Awesome! I'll do some digging when I get a chance. And I know lol oh man. Just like the bioactive route, I have to conquer that beast soon. I'm sure when that time comes, I'll have so many questions and will probably post another thread. But for right now, I'll take all the information y'all...
  3. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    I'll definitely give this a listen as soon as I'm able. Thank you so much :]
  4. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    I'm picking up what you're putting down. I've read about the bioactive route and nah lol. With all the other information I've been soaking in, like you said, that's a beast for another day. Maybe when I get the dragon strand. And the water seems to be draining well out of the corner of the cage...
  5. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Oh ok awesome. I'll have to look into those pvc floors then
  6. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    I live about an hour from the gulf of mexico so its very rare temps will drop that much down here. But i'll keep it for those rare winter nights. So no lights or heat at night, got it. Thank you!
  7. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Oooohh ok gotcha. I'll start doing that. I've noticed that when I put food in her cup in the late afternoon, she turns her nose to it so that makes sense.
  8. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Gotcha! I'll start doing that. When should I use the ceramic heater? Or was it a waste of money?
  9. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    So you line the bottom with paper towels? I'm wanting to replace that black mat but have no idea what to use.
  10. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Such good information, thank you so much! I thought young chams needed more food? Whenever she finishes off the cup, she sits in and stares at me like "say bruh, feed your master" and I'm bit of a softy so I always give her more. So try to be more restrictive with feedings? I'll definitely...
  11. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    That's impressive lol. So young chams poop more often than adults?
  12. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    That plastic black piece that comes with cage kit, is that a bad? I read it was but what else do I use? The shelf is slightly off level so the water drains itself out of the cage but I'm worried about bacteria.
  13. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    My little baby. That feeder cup always gets the business lol
  14. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, female, 1-3 months, honestly no idea but she's little bity. She's been in my care since Sunday. Handling - I've handled her a total of 3 times since I've had her. I know that's a lot for her being so new but I made the mistake of acquiring her then setting her...
  15. OdeToJanis

    New owner trying to be better.

    Hey guys! I'm quite new to the world of chameleon husbandry. I got her Sunday from Petco(I know, their conditions are horrible and I get sad every time I walk down the reptile aisle, but I just had to save her.) Her name is Janis :]. I got her cage all set up, I spray in the mornings and in the...
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