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  1. GonzoBatCountry

    Jackson female

    My unbreed Jackson female is dropping egg follicles or slugs(whatever its called) . A few months ago she dropped a bunch all in one day. This time it's only been a few at a time over 3 days now. She's drinking water good, her appetite has been off for the past week. She's had a few crickets here...
  2. GonzoBatCountry

    Need help.

    Went to mist Dinah Shore and her left eye is swollen.
  3. GonzoBatCountry

    Gut loading horned worms

    Had recently gotten several horned worms for girl. I was trying to gut load with some spinach... after 24 hours I had 3 dead horned worms. Previously when I hadn't try to gut load (dusted those before feeding) they all stayed with several getting huge. What's the best thing to gut load these...
  4. GonzoBatCountry

    Outside enclosure in Tennessee

    I pretty new to the world of chameleons. I live in Tennessee and now that it's warm enough I've been considering taking my girl outside. My main concern is that in this area we have some rather large raccoons, possums, and other critters. I was wondering if anyone else in the region have outside...
  5. GonzoBatCountry

    Humidity and heat loss

    Thoughtsand opinions please. I've had to wrap my cage with plastic to prevent heat and humidity loss. What about using a few emergency mylar blankets? I've been thinking about it about it but would appreciate some input.
  6. GonzoBatCountry

    Telling how old jackson chameleon is.

    Is there any guidelines for telling the age of a jackson female?
  7. GonzoBatCountry


    Hey folks, newbie needs some advice. My female jackson chameleon just absolutely hates it when a calcium dust her crickets. I'm not sure if it's that they're white and look different or if she dislikes the taste. Is there anything I can do to make them more appealing? I don't want her to get any...
  8. GonzoBatCountry


    I'm still in my learning stage. I'm wanting to set up a drip system for my jackson's female to make sure that she's always got to drink no matter what I'm doing. Is it okay to put a piece of natural sponge to keep from flooding her terrarium? Maybe switch out the piece on a daily basis? Open to...
  9. GonzoBatCountry

    6 month old jackson chameleon

    I'm a Dinah Shore ... I likes hiddin' from my Daddy and playin' peekaboo, long rain showers and the smell of crickets in the morning. Wanted to say Thank You for the good information I received yesterday. Anyone who has any tidbits or peculiar info and or stories that they think would be...
  10. GonzoBatCountry

    I've got a diva female jackson chameleon about 6 months old.

    I recently purchased a female jackson chameleon and she is absolutely the most difficult diva to make happy. She was quite friendly the first week eating a little and drinking fairly well from the information I've found. This second week she's become disinterested in eating. I've tried different...
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