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  1. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    Im confused what you meant by this??? Seems like a jab at me but I’m not sure. ):
  2. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    Alrighty guys. He’s back home from the vet and the issue was solved! He should be okay. Basically it was a genetic medical condition where fluids designed for reproduction were building up in his intestines hardened and clogged. They were able to flush it out and he’s alright. I’m saying this...
  3. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    Update, his behavior is the same. They didn’t have the light fixture at the nearest 3 pet stores so I’m going to order one on amazon. He’s still laying with his eyes closed, he hasn’t eaten, pooped since. When I tap him he wakes up and moved around and then heads back to sleep. I’ve spent all...
  4. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    It’s usually a pretty bright white. Nothing has changed behind his behavior. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain either. Is it possible he’s just getting old :( - I’m going to head to the pet store tomorrow morning and make sure all my fixtures are up to standards. I’ll also grab that multivitamin...
  5. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    Thanks! I did just read up on the whole feeding situation on here so i just came back from the store with some large crickets and the flukers food & water gel for them to eat. I do give him D3 once a week but I forgot to add that. I'll be sure to buy the multivitamin right now. Any good brands...
  6. sebastianthechameleon

    Sleeping a lot and not eating

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, he's going to be 6 years old. Handling - Once a week or so, he gets stressed with handling. Feeding - Superworms (5-6 times a week) Supplements - I dust with Calcium 7-8 times a month. Watering - Mister 30 second sprays (every 3 hours). I do...
  7. sebastianthechameleon

    Shut these crickets up!

    For those of you who are reading this now... lol... crickets will only chirp at night. But they can be tricked out of that noisy mess. Take the crickets and lock them in a closet and turn the light on inside. Make sure there is ventilation. This way the crickets will not chirp as the believe it...
  8. sebastianthechameleon

    possible impaction

    Yes i have dealt with impaction when feeding locusts to my panthers. All i am saying is to be careful.
  9. sebastianthechameleon

    How to make a chameleon happy!

    Thank you all so much for the information! This community is amazing! Do any of you know a good way to help him feel safe? I am very uncomfortable covering his cage as the lights are very strong and forest fires are very serious around here.
  10. sebastianthechameleon

    How to make a chameleon happy!

    He hides the second i walk in the room and he is always green and black spotted. If i go any closer to the cage his chin extends and he may even hiss
  11. sebastianthechameleon

    White crusties?

    I use a wet q-tip to dislodge those pesky salt crystals. It is normal and some chameleons get more than others. Do not worry.
  12. sebastianthechameleon

    possible impaction

    For a small chameleon, locusts are large. Locusts have long legs and wings and other parts that make it very hard for younger chameleons to digest. Even the smallest of locusts have caused small impaction in some chameleons. Small or soft worms along with a few crickets is a very good meal for...
  13. sebastianthechameleon

    How to make a chameleon happy!

    I have a 10 month old veiled. I know exactly what I signed up for. I purchased a veiled as an owner that wanted an animal that needed very little PERSONAL attention. I signed up for a veiled knowing it was a "do not touch pet". His first few months he was always happy and friendly. i got to show...
  14. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    wow look at that color! Omg he looks so cozy :D
  15. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    A Awe so cute! Mine never likes to come out. Haven't taken him out in 2 months... to be honest i only care that he has a happy and healthy life and if that means me out of the picture ill still do it :D
  16. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    I was in love with it! He was a little Jackson. Unfortunately, my brother couldn't take care of him for long. So my brother gave him to a family that won't stop talking about the little guy! I miss him! My veiled once ended up falling asleep with me and waking up in the morning with me (this was...
  17. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    Here is a photo of my younger brother with his baby jackson.
  18. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    He will just sit there for 10 minutes looking around to make sure its safe for him to shut his eyes :P
  19. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    He hasn't gone to sleep yet because he has to inspect his surrounding but he is still adorable
  20. sebastianthechameleon

    They're so cute when they sleep!

    Adorable!!! Ill send a photo of Sebastian when he goes to bed which is in like 30 minutes
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